Sabtu, 07 Maret 2020

Bunions - A Very Common Heel Pain Problem

Bunions are a common problem that occur around the big toe joint also as a side note you can get a bunion by your little toe that is called a Tailor's bunion. A common bunion it's called hallux valgus, this is because the big toe medically it's called the hallux and valgus denotes the deviation of the big toe towards the second toe.
Bunions are generally hereditary but they can miss a generation. Your mother or your father may not have a bunion but your aunt or Uncle may. So when we look at a bunion deformity we think of hereditary factors, structural factors which is the enlargement of the bone and functional components which cause bunions. Most people that have bunions have a degree of pronation which is the foot flattening on weight-bearing. Normally shoes contribute to the pain and discomfort but rarely outside of the normal causes shoes do not cause bunions. In countries where people do not wear shoes bunions and hammer toes are seen. Generally the exception is when an injury occurs to the leg or ankle this causes functional change to cause the bunion deformity without a true hereditary or structural abnormality.
When looking at bunion deformities and treatments they vary tremendously. It's important to understand that hammer toe deformities generally occur in later stages a bunion development. This is because of compensation because the big toe doesn't function correctly as it did before. And this overview of bunions we classify bunions as mild, moderate and severe. This is based off of X-ray findings and not related to the size of the bunion. One type of bunion that is different that will discuss later is called hallux limitus which is a dorsal bunion behind the big toe that limits function and is commonly referred to as turf toe.  to
As we discuss mild bunion deformities it is important to understand the majority of the pain is caused by the bump or enlargement itself. These are generally treated with a simple type of bunion removal on an outpatient basis. It is important for the patient to do range of motion exercises after surgery to get function and range of motion in the joint to return to normal activities. The patient can immediately bear weight but limited for the first week
Moderate bunions have the same basic component as a simple bunion the enlargement which is removed but upon x-ray evaluation it is noted the angle between the first and second metatarsal is larger. This angle contributes to the problem and must be corrected. The procedure for correction requires cutting the bone realigning it, the bone is held together with very small screw fixation that is countersunk so there would be no pain when it heals from the screw it doesn't go off at the airport because of the size being so small. The surgery is done outpatient under a light sedation. The patient with this procedure can generally bear weight immediately but of course limitedly for the first 3 to 5 days.
Severe bunion deformities involve both components from a simple and moderate bunion which is the enlargement of the bunion or bone itself but the angle between the first and second metatarsal is significant this requires the correction to be more significant, it is stabilized which screw fixation similar to the mild bunion deformity. The problem with a severe bunion because of the significant correction required patients cannot walk on their foot for 2 to 4 weeks, again range of motion exercises are necessary after surgery.
In conclusion in my office we use the most Advanced Techniques available for the bunion deformity the patient has. With thorough evaluation and spending the time with the patient do understand the procedure and follow up patients are very pleased with the result. To review the procedure generally the patient is seen in our office you review x-rays which are digital we print those on a piece of paper that goes home with you so you thoroughly understand the procedure itself. On my website at under bunion deformities are animated videos of the Austin bunionectomy for moderate bunions and cwo video which is for more severe bunion deformities. The surgery is done on an outpatient basis under light sedation we are breathing on your own. You are given proper pain medication to control any pain or discomfort you will have my cell number if there's a problem I will call you the night of surgery to review instructions and concerns. Follow up in our office is determined on an individual basis based upon the procedure. The incision is closed with butterfly type closure which minimizes any scarring.  Please visit our website for more information concerning  Custom Orthotics Overland Park


KC Foot Care: Thomas Bembynista, DPM
8530 N Green Hills Rd, Kansas City, MO 64154
(816) 455-3636
69X9+62 Kansas City, Missouri



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